As a Native New Yorker Eddie Sosa had a life changing encounter with King Jesus after he moved to Tampa, Florida.
In Tampa, out of a raw passion to expirance and know God more, He began a lifestyle of prayer. He would at times pray 8-12 hours of prayer a day, experiencing God in ways that he could not contain.
From his desire to simply fellowship with Jesus, he started a prayer meeting in a hot garage in Florida where he gathered groups of young adults to seek God desperately for more of the outpouring of His presence and love. This prayer meeting was deemed as "The Garage" .
From there this prayer group of hungry young adults began being so filled with the heart of the Father they started preaching the gospel in the heart of Ybor city Tampa FL, as well as surrounding bars, clubs, bus stops, gas stations, inspiring other church groups, and people to do the same in the city of Tampa.
It was a grassroots, movement of prayer and evangelism. In his zeal, in being inspired by a documentary called transformations, after graduating school of ministry, years of itinerant ministry and pastoring, Eddie decided, with a group of friends, to pursue his passion of church planting.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM